Important Announcement
Tokopedia Seller API Platform and TTSPC are merging to streamline your developer experience. Please register on TTSPC by 30/09/2024

Tokopedia Seller API

Grow & Transform Your Business Through Technology


Ease of Integration

Integrate your system with Tokopedia stores without hassle

Authentication method

Integrate safely with security framework implementation using OAuth 2.0 mechanism

Developer Account

Manage your API credentials and test the API connection seamlessly


Ready to grow your business?

For further information, please contact us

News & Update

08 August 2024[News & Update] Integration of Tokopedia Open Platform and TTSPC
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05 April 2024[Endpoint Update] Invoice Format Changes on GetSingleOrder Endpoint
Invoice Format Changes
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04 April 2024[News & Update] Tokopedia Seller API Ramadhan Holiday
Tokopedia Seller API Ramadhan Holiday
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