We have some important updates to share about changes to the Tokopedia Open Platform. We're excited to announce that Tokopedia Open Platform and TTSPC will be merging accounts, simplifying the developer experience and offering new collaboration opportunities on the new platform managed by PT. Tokopedia.
Here's what you need to do
+[Register as a Developer on TTSPC]: Please do this before 31/08/2024. (If you already have an account on TTSPC, you can skip this step) https://partner.tiktokshop.com/account/sign-up?from=ttspc_portal
+[Provide Required IDs]: Submit your Organization ID/App ID for Tokopedia Open Platform and Partner ID for TTSPC by filling out the questionnaire after registering on TTSPC. This is necessary for account and app binding purposes https://bytedance.sg.larkoffice.com/share/base/form/shrlgkJCMhgjweHi118RYsAa6tb
+[Explore and Integrate]: Check out the available APIs and start creating your App. Create an App and integrate it with the Shop | Tokopedia API as soon as possible. You can view the guidance for help.
We're here to help and ensure your success in the Shop | Tokopedia partnership ecosystem. If you have any questions or need assistance during registration or integration with the Shop | Tokopedia API, please reach out to our support team https://partner.tiktokshop.com/ticket/create/diversion