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  1. News & Update
  2. Kurir Rekomendasi Webinar Session

[News & Update] Kurir Rekomendasi Webinar Session

Publish Date: Jun 12, 2023

Regarding the new update of Tokopedia's Bebas Ongkir program, which involves Kurir Rekomendasi, we cordially invite you to join our upcoming webinar session: API-Logistics_Name: Kurir Rekomendasi Tokopedia. This webinar is not just limited to one participant per company/organization; you can bring along your representatives from the tech and product departments to ensure you don't miss out on any important details.

It's time to mark your calendars and choose the most convenient option from the exhilarating schedule below. We appreciate your participation, and please note that the invitation for the webinar will be sent separately to the participant's email address. Below is some details the upcoming webinar:

  • Agenda: Introduction to Kurir Rekomendasi as your logistics option and technicality on shipping label adjustment for non-Tokopedia shipping label
  • Purpose: to accommodate any potential changes to non-Tokopedia shiping label
  • Schedule: 15 June 2023, at 15.00 - 16.00 / 16 June 2023, at 15.00 - 16.00
  • Venue: online, google meet (link will be sent separately)
  • Language: Bahasa Indonesia

Kindly register on this link below:

For further info about Kurir Rekomendasi:

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