Every product has a different inquiry result and fulfillment result. This section, we provide the response and request sample for the product. For the request, you can refer to section 4.2 for inquiry and section 4.3 for checkout and use the specific product code.
Telco - Prepaid (Pulsa, Paket Data, Roaming all operator)
Product code example: 50k-simpati
Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder123", "attributes": { "product_code": "50k-simpati", "client_number": "081211311111" } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder123
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder123", "attributes": { "client_number": "081211311111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "50k-simpati", "sales_price": 52000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder123", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 0, "client_name": "", "client_number": "081211311111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-01T03:26:39Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Nomor", "value": "081211311111" }, { "name": "Serial Number", "value": "TLKM0305956071" }, { "name": "Harga", "value": "Rp 52.000" } ], "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "50k-simpati", "sales_price": 52000, "serial_number": "TLKM0305956071", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
Telco - Postpaid (Pulsa)
Product code example: pasca-telkomsel
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "pasca-telkomsel", "client_number": "081222308111" } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder124", "attributes": { "product_code": "pasca-telkomsel", "client_number": "081222308111", "amount": 102000 } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder124
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "081222308111", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 2000, "base_price": 100000, "client_name": "Toko***** Us**", "client_number": "081222308111", "fields": null, "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Nomor Telepon", "value": "081222308111" }, { "name": "Nama", "value": "Toko***** Us**" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp 102.000" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "Rp 100.000" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp2.000" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "pasca-telkomsel", "sales_price": 102000 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder124", "attributes": { "client_number": "081222308111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "pasca-telkomsel", "sales_price": 102000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder124", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 2000, "client_name": "Tokopedia User", "client_number": "081222308111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-01T03:39:41Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Nomor Telepon", "value": "081222308111" }, { "name": "Nama", "value": "Tokopedia User" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "Rp 100.000" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp2.000" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp 102.000" } ], "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "pasca-telkomsel", "sales_price": 102000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
Listrik PLN
Listrik PLN - Prepaid
Product code example: pln-prepaid-token-50k-sat-new
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "client_number": "15251111111", "product_code": "pln-prepaid-token-50k-sat-new" } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder195", "attributes": { "product_code": "pln-prepaid-token-50k-sat-new", "client_number": "15251111111", "amount": 50005 } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder195
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "15251111111", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 0, "base_price": 50005, "client_name": "TOKOP**** US**", "client_number": "15251111111", "fields": null, "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Nama", "value": "TOKOP**** US**" }, { "name": "Nomor", "value": "15251111111" }, { "name": "ID Pelanggan", "value": "528611111111" }, { "name": "Tarif/Daya", "value": "B1/000007000VA" }, { "name": "Harga", "value": "Rp 50.005" }, { "name": "Jenis Layanan", "value": "" } ], "meter_id": "15251111111", "product_code": "pln-prepaid-token-50k-sat-new", "sales_price": 50005 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder195", "attributes": { "client_number": "15251111111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "pln-prepaid-token-50k-sat-new", "sales_price": 50005, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder195", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 0, "client_name": "TOKOPEDIA USER", "client_number": "15251111111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2023-09-14T08:16:35Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "No. Meter/Idpel", "value": "15251111111" }, { "name": "Nomor Meter", "value": "15251111111" }, { "name": "ID Pelanggan", "value": "528611111111" }, { "name": "Nama", "value": "TOKOPEDIA USER" }, { "name": "Tarif/Daya", "value": "B1/000007000VA" }, { "name": "No Ref", "value": "0BMS2135118595F09D915E25205F5667" }, { "name": "Materai", "value": "0" }, { "name": "PPn", "value": "0" }, { "name": "PPj", "value": "0" }, { "name": "Angsuran", "value": "6000" }, { "name": "Rp Stroom/Token", "value": "44000" }, { "name": "kWh", "value": "88" }, { "name": "Token", "value": "1378 7553 5576 5816 1258" }, { "name": "Info Tambahan", "value": "Informasi Hubungi Call Center 123 Atau hubungi PLN Terdekat" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp 50.005" }, { "name": "Rp Bayar", "value": "" }, { "name": "Admin Bank", "value": "Rp0" } ], "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "pln-prepaid-token-50k-sat-new", "sales_price": 50005, "serial_number": "1378-7553-5576-5816-1258", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "1378-7553-5576-5816-1258" } } }
Listrik PLN - Postpaid
Product code example: pln-postpaid-new
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "pln-postpaid-new", "client_number": "102111106111" } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder196", "attributes": { "product_code": "pln-postpaid-new", "client_number": "102111106111", "amount": 936246 } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder196
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "102111106111", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 6000, "base_price": 930246, "client_name": "TOKOP**** US**", "client_number": "102111106111", "fields": null, "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Nama", "value": "TOKOP**** US**" }, { "name": "ID Pelanggan", "value": "102111106111" }, { "name": "BL/TH", "value": "MEI23, JUN23, JUL23, AGU23" }, { "name": "TARIF/DAYA", "value": "R1/450" }, { "name": "STAND METER", "value": "888800-889900" }, { "name": "Jumlah Tagihan", "value": "4" }, { "name": "RP TAG PLN", "value": "Rp 930.246" }, { "name": "ADMIN BANK", "value": "Rp 6.000" }, { "name": "TOTAL BAYAR", "value": "Rp 936.246" }, { "name": "TOTAL TAGIHAN", "value": "4 BULAN" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "pln-postpaid-new", "sales_price": 936246 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder196", "attributes": { "client_number": "102111106111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 1000, "product_code": "pln-postpaid-new", "sales_price": 936246, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder196", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 6000, "client_name": "TOKOPEDIA USER", "client_number": "102111106111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2023-09-19T05:03:31Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "No. Meter/Idpel", "value": "102111106111" }, { "name": "Nama", "value": "TOKOPEDIA USER" }, { "name": "Tarif/Daya", "value": "R1/000000450" }, { "name": "Jumlah Tagihan", "value": "4" }, { "name": "RP TAG PLN", "value": "Rp 930.246" }, { "name": "NO REF", "value": "0BMS21351276584695CDB0FB6798CE21" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "Rp 930.246" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp 6.000" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp 936.246" }, { "name": "BL/TH", "value": "MEI23, JUN23, JUL23, AGU23" }, { "name": "STAND METER", "value": "00888800-00889900, 00888800-00889900, 00888800-00889900, 00888800-00889900" }, { "name": "TAGIHAN", "value": "156231, 237481, 342713, 175821" }, { "name": "PENALTY", "value": "9000, 6000, 3000, 0" }, { "name": "JATUH TEMPO", "value": "2023-05-22, 2023-06-22, 2023-07-22, 2023-08-22" }, { "name": "INSENTIVE", "value": "0, 0, 0, 0" }, { "name": "METERREAD", "value": "0, 0, 0, 0" } ], "partner_fee": 1000, "product_code": "pln-postpaid-new", "sales_price": 936246, "serial_number": "0BMS21351276584695CDB0FB6798CE21", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
Listrik PLN - Non Taglis
Product code example: pln-non-taglis
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "client_number": "104111106112", "product_code": "pln-non-taglis" } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder197", "attributes": { "product_code": "pln-non-taglis", "client_number": "104111106112", "amount": 278645 } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder197
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "104111106112", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "base_price": 273645, "client_name": "TOKO***** US**", "client_number": "104111106112", "fields": null, "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Nomor Registrasi", "value": "104111106112" }, { "name": "Nama", "value": "TOKO***** US**" }, { "name": "Total Harga", "value": "Rp278.645" }, { "name": "Nomor Registrasi", "value": "104111106112" }, { "name": "Jenis Transaksi", "value": "PENYELESAIAN P2TL" }, { "name": "Biaya PLN", "value": "Rp273.645" }, { "name": "Admin", "value": "Rp5.000" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "pln-non-taglis", "sales_price": 278645 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder197", "attributes": { "client_number": "104111106112", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "pln-non-taglis", "sales_price": 278645, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder197", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "client_name": "TOKOPEDIA USER", "client_number": "104111106112", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2023-10-12T04:35:17Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "IDPEL", "value": "104111106112" }, { "name": "NO REG", "value": "104111106112" }, { "name": "TGL REG", "value": "22SEP21" }, { "name": "NAMA", "value": "TOKOPEDIA USER" }, { "name": "NO REF", "value": "042925CBFD523520E1D434583FB72446" }, { "name": "BIAYA PLN", "value": "Rp273.645" }, { "name": "ADMIN BANK", "value": "Rp5.000" }, { "name": "TOTAL BAYAR", "value": "Rp278.645" } ], "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "pln-non-taglis", "sales_price": 278645, "serial_number": "042925CBFD523520E1D434583FB72446", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "104111106112" } } }
Food & Vouchers (Deals)
Voucher Code
Product code example: gofood-20k
Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder128", "attributes": { "product_code": "gofood-20k", "client_number": "" } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder128
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder128", "attributes": { "client_number": "", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "gofood-20k", "sales_price": 17820, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder128", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 0, "client_name": "", "client_number": "", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-01T04:03:00Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Harga", "value": "Rp17.820" }, { "name": "Kode Voucher", "value": "T62XDFC" }, { "name": "Berlaku Hingga", "value": "07 Feb 2022 00:00" } ], "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "gofood-20k", "sales_price": 17820, "serial_number": "", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "T62XDFC" } } }
Voucher Link
Product code example: kfc-50k
Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder129", "attributes": { "product_code": "kfc-50k", "client_number": "" } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder129
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder129", "attributes": { "client_number": "", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "kfc-50k", "sales_price": 43750, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder129", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 0, "client_name": "", "client_number": "", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-01T04:05:55Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Harga", "value": "Rp43.750" }, { "name": "E-voucher", "value": "https://egift.id/NEiUHvNDhASk" }, { "name": "Berlaku Hingga", "value": "20 May 2022 00:00" } ], "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "kfc-50k", "sales_price": 43750, "serial_number": "", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "https://egift.id/NEiUHvNDhASk" } } }
Voucher Game
Google Play
This type has special UI/UX requirement that you need to follow based on biller’s rule. Our tech representative will share to you the documentation for Google Play and Spotify UI Guidelines for Client.
Voucher Code
Product code example: kode-voucher-google-play-10000
Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder131", "attributes": { "product_code": "kode-voucher-google-play-10000", "client_number": "" } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder131
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder131", "attributes": { "client_number": "", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "kode-voucher-google-play-10000", "sales_price": 11000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder131", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 0, "client_name": "", "client_number": "", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-01T04:19:27Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Harga", "value": "Rp 11.000" }, { "name": "Kode Voucher", "value": "ABSASADA" }, { "name": "Serial", "value": "23143432453" }, "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp11.000" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp0" } ], "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "kode-voucher-google-play-10000", "sales_price": 11000, "serial_number": "23143432453", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "ABSASADA" } } }
Non Google Play
Voucher Code
Product code example: steam-wallet-idr-90
Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder132", "attributes": { "product_code": "steam-wallet-idr-90", "client_number": "" } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder132
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder132", "attributes": { "client_number": "", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 100, "product_code": "steam-wallet-idr-90", "sales_price": 145000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder132", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 0, "client_name": "", "client_number": "", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-01T04:26:35Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Harga", "value": "Rp 145.000" }, { "name": "Kode Voucher", "value": "HQRmJ-JJJjaJJBdubNQGtj" }, "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp145.000" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp0" } ], "partner_fee": 100, "product_code": "steam-wallet-idr-90", "sales_price": 145000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "HQRmJ-JJJjaJJBdubNQGtj" } }
Direct Top Up
This type can only be enabled on Web Platform and might have additional fields that you need to follow and might be different in each product code, please contact our tech representative for more details.
Product code example: mobile-legends-18-diamonds
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "mobile-legends-18-diamonds", "client_number": "704441111", "fields": [ { "name": "zone_id", "value": "8332" } ] } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder184", "attributes": { "product_code": "mobile-legends-18-diamonds", "client_number": "704441111", "fields": [ { "name": "zone_id", "value": "8332" } ] } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder184
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "704441111", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 0, "base_price": 5500, "client_name": "Fox69", "client_number": "704441111", "fields": [ { "name": "zone_id", "value": "8332" } ], "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Nomor", "value": "59551114_2101" }, { "name": "Jenis Layanan", "value": "18 Diamonds" }, { "name": "Harga", "value": "Rp5.500" }, { "name": "Username", "value": "Fox69" }, { "name": "User ID", "value": "59551114" }, { "name": "Server ID", "value": "2101" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp5.500" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp0" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "mobile-legends-18-diamonds", "sales_price": 5500 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder184", "attributes": { "client_number": "704441111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": [ { "name": "zone_id", "value": "8332" } ], "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 500, "product_code": "mobile-legends-18-diamonds", "sales_price": 5500, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder184", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 0, "client_name": "%7eThe+King+Of+Asassin", "client_number": "704441111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": [ { "name": "zone_id", "value": "8332" } ], "fulfilled_at": "2023-05-26T07:53:33Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Harga", "value": "Rp5.500" }, { "name": "Username", "value": "%7eThe+King+Of+Asassin" }, { "name": "User ID", "value": "1093349626" }, { "name": "Server ID", "value": "13396" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp5.500" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp0" } ], "partner_fee": 500, "product_code": "mobile-legends-18-diamonds", "sales_price": 5500, "serial_number": "", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
This type has special UI/UX requirement that you need to follow based on biller’s rule. Our tech representative will share to you the documentation for Google Play and Spotify UI Guidelines for Client.
Product code example: spotify-premium-spotify-premium-6
Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder134", "attributes": { "product_code": "spotify-premium-spotify-premium-6", "client_number": "" } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder134
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder134", "attributes": { "client_number": "", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "spotify-premium-spotify-premium-6", "sales_price": 300000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder134", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 0, "client_name": "", "client_number": "", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-08T03:31:02Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Harga", "value": "Rp 300.000" }, { "name": "Kode Voucher", "value": "FOSVRAZQ6P9" }, { "name": "Serial", "value": "1234567890" } ], "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "spotify-premium-spotify-premium-6", "sales_price": 300000, "serial_number": "1234567890", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "FOSVRAZQ6P9" } } }
Non Spotify
Product code example: viu-buy1get1
Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder135", "attributes": { "product_code": "viu-buy1get1", "client_number": "" } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder135
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder135", "attributes": { "client_number": "", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "viu-buy1get1", "sales_price": 31000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
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Product code example: bigo-live-10-diamonds
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Voucher Code
Product code example:
Checkout | Order Details |
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Voucher Link
Product code example: sony-sugema-college-2
Checkout | Order Details |
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TV Kabel & Internet
Type: Dynamic (Old Version)
Product code example: firstmedia
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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My Republic
Product code example: myrepublic
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Speedy Indihome
Product code example: speedy-indihome
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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MNC Play
Product code example: mnc-play
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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MNC Vision
Product code example: mnc-vision
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Product code example: kvision
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Product code example: transvision
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Centrin Online
Product code example: centrin-online
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Comet Internet
Product code example: comet-internet
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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XL Home
Product code example: xl-home
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Product code example: cbn
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Type: Unified (New Version)
Product code example: biznet-home
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "client_number": "272790111111", "product_code": "biznet-home" } } }
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Product code example: pgn
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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BPJS Kesehatan
Product code example: bpjs-kesehatan-iuran-1month
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "bpjs-kesehatan-iuran-1month", "client_number": "099994301115" } } }
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BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
Product code example: bpjs-ketenagakerjaan-iuran-1month
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "bpjs-ketenagakerjaan-iuran-1month", "client_number": "099994301111" } } }
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BPJS Denda
Product code example: bpjs-denda
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "bpjs-denda", "client_number": "099994301127" } } }
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Type: Dynamic (Old Version)
Note: If there is a penalty fee (denda), it will be accumulated in the sales_price, however the information is not displayed in order details (inquiry_result/fulfillment_result).
Product code example: samsat-jateng
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-jateng", "client_number": "136177469311111" } } }
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Product code example: samsat-jatim
Note: If the billing number has JR Denda and/or Parkir Berlangganan, then we will return the fields on the order details (inquiry_result/fulfillment_result), otherwise it won't be returned.
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-jatim", "client_number": "S2111KT", "fields": [ { "name": "nik", "value": "1234567890" }, { "name": "machine_number", "value": "123456" }, { "name": "phone_number", "value": "081223344" } ] } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder156", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-jatim", "client_number": "S2111KT", "amount": 215500, "fields": [ { "name": "nik", "value": "1234567890" }, { "name": "machine_number", "value": "123456" }, { "name": "phone_number", "value": "081223344" } ] } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder156
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "S2111KT", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 6000, "base_price": 209500, "client_name": "TOK****** US*** ", "client_number": "S2111KT", "fields": [ { "name": "nik", "value": "1234567890" }, { "name": "machine_number", "value": "123456" }, { "name": "phone_number", "value": "081223344" } ], "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "S2111KT" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOK****** US*** " }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "S2111**" }, { "name": "Jenis Kendaraan", "value": "SEPEDA MOTOR" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "NF 100D" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "HONDA" }, { "name": "Warna Kendaraan", "value": "HITAM" }, { "name": "Tahun Buat Kendaraan", "value": "2002" }, { "name": "Tanggal Masa Laku", "value": "31/10/2023" }, { "name": "PKB Pokok", "value": "Rp151.500" }, { "name": "JR Pokok", "value": "Rp35.000" }, { "name": "JR Denda", "value": "Rp8.000" }, { "name": "Parkir Berlangganan", "value": "Rp15.000" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "KEV8E155****" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp209.500" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp6.000" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "samsat-jatim", "sales_price": 215500 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder156", "attributes": { "client_number": "S2111KT", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": [ { "name": "nik", "value": "1234567890" }, { "name": "machine_number", "value": "123456" }, { "name": "phone_number", "value": "081223344" } ], "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "samsat-jatim", "sales_price": 215500, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder156", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 6000, "client_name": "", "client_number": "S2111KT", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": [ { "name": "nik", "value": "1234567890" }, { "name": "machine_number", "value": "123456" }, { "name": "phone_number", "value": "081223344" } ], "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-15T04:18:10Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Status", "value": "Transaksi berhasil" }, { "name": "Bukti Bayar", "value": "7433221103341111" }, { "name": "Atas name", "value": "Tokopedia User" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "S2111KT" }, { "name": "Jenis Kendaraan", "value": "SEPEDA MOTOR" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "NF 100D" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "HONDA" }, { "name": "Warna Kendaraan", "value": "HITAM" }, { "name": "Tahun Buat Kendaraan", "value": "2002" }, { "name": "Tanggal Masa Laku", "value": "13/10/2023" }, { "name": "PKB Pokok", "value": "Rp151.500" }, { "name": "JR Pokok", "value": "Rp35.000" }, { "name": "JR Denda", "value": "Rp8.000" }, { "name": "Parkir Berlangganan", "value": "Rp15.000" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "KEV8E1554111" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp209.500" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp6.000" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp215.500" } ], "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "samsat-jatim", "sales_price": 215500, "serial_number": "", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
Product code example: samsat-jabar
Note: If there is a penalty fee (denda), it will be accumulated in the sales_price, however the information is not displayed in order details (inquiry_result/fulfillment_result).
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-jabar", "client_number": "728363748726111" } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder157", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-jabar", "client_number": "728363748726111", "amount": 7626700 } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder157
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "728363748726111", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "base_price": 7621700, "client_name": "TOK****** US**", "client_number": "728363748726111", "fields": null, "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "728363748726111" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOK****** US**" }, { "name": "Alamat", "value": "TOKO***** TOW** 129**" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "F 6111**" }, { "name": "Jenis Kendaraan", "value": "PAJERO SPORT 2.4L DAKAR-H (4X2" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "JEEP" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "MITSUBISHI" }, { "name": "Warna Kendaraan", "value": "HITAM" }, { "name": "Tahun Buat Kendaraan", "value": "2019" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "4N15UGG****" }, { "name": "Nomor Krangka", "value": "MK2KRWPNUKJ******" }, { "name": "PKB", "value": "Rp7.478.700" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp7.621.700" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp5.000" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "samsat-jabar", "sales_price": 7626700 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder157", "attributes": { "client_number": "728363748726111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 1300, "product_code": "samsat-jabar", "sales_price": 7626700, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder157", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "client_name": "TOKOPEDIA USER", "client_number": "728363748726111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-15T04:23:50Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Status", "value": "Transaksi berhasil" }, { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "728363748726111" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOKOPEDIA USER" }, { "name": "Alamat", "value": "TOKOPEDIA TOWER 12950" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "F 6111HV" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "JEEP" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "MITSUBISHI" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "4N15UGG7111" }, { "name": "Nomor Rangka", "value": "MK2KRWPNUKJ011111" }, { "name": "NTB", "value": "369111" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp7.621.700" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp5.000" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp7.626.700" } ], "partner_fee": 1300, "product_code": "samsat-jabar", "sales_price": 7626700, "serial_number": "369111", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
Product code example: samsat-kep-riau
Note: If the billing number has Denda PKB and/or Denda SWDKLLJ, then we will return the fields on the order details (inquiry_result/fulfillment_result), otherwise it won't be returned.
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-kep-riau", "client_number": "110000000071111" } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder158", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-kep-riau", "client_number": "110000000071111", "amount": 3512310 } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder158
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "110000000071111", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "base_price": 3507310, "client_name": "TOKO***** US**", "client_number": "110000000071111", "fields": null, "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOKO***** US**" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "BP151***" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "MINIBUS" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "KIA" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "G4FAES66****" }, { "name": "Nomor Rangka", "value": "KNADN512ME6******" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Lama", "value": "03 Oktober 2021" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Baru", "value": "03 Oktober 2023" }, { "name": "Kode Pengesahan", "value": "049999" }, { "name": "Pokok PKB", "value": "Rp3.186.310" }, { "name": "Pokok SWDKLLJ", "value": "Rp286.000" }, { "name": "Denda SWDKLLJ", "value": "Rp35.000" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp3.507.310" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp5.000" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "Rp3.512.310" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "samsat-kep-riau", "sales_price": 3512310 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder158", "attributes": { "client_number": "110000000071111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 1700, "product_code": "samsat-kep-riau", "sales_price": 3512310, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder158", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "client_name": "TOKOPEDIA USER", "client_number": "110000000071111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-15T04:29:47Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Status", "value": "Transaksi berhasil" }, { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "110000000071111" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOKOPEDIA USER" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "BP1511EH" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "MINIBUS" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "KIA" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "G4FAES661111" }, { "name": "Nomor Rangka", "value": "KNADN512ME6931111" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Lama", "value": "03 Oktober 2021" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Baru", "value": "03 Oktober 2023" }, { "name": "Kode Pengesahan", "value": "049999" }, { "name": "Pokok PKB", "value": "Rp3.186.310" }, { "name": "Pokok SWDKLLJ", "value": "Rp286.000" }, { "name": "Denda SWDKLLJ", "value": "Rp35.000" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp3.507.310" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp5.000" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "Rp3.512.310" } ], "partner_fee": 1700, "product_code": "samsat-kep-riau", "sales_price": 3512310, "serial_number": "", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
Product code example: samsat-kaltara
Note: If the billing number has Denda PKB and/or Denda SWDKLLJ, then we will return the fields on the order details (inquiry_result/fulfillment_result), otherwise it won't be returned.
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-kaltara", "client_number": "076516952306141111" } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder159", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-kaltara", "client_number": "076516952306141111", "amount": 280000 } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder159
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "076516952306141111", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 4000, "base_price": 276000, "client_name": "TOKO***** US***", "client_number": "076516952306141111", "fields": null, "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOKO***** US***" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "KU-3111***" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "D1B02N12L2 AT" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "HONDA" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "JM21E241****" }, { "name": "Nomor Rangka", "value": "MH1JM2129KK******" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Baru", "value": "30102023" }, { "name": "Kode Stan", "value": "047111" }, { "name": "Pokok PKB", "value": "Rp183.000" }, { "name": "Denda PKB", "value": "Rp50.000" }, { "name": "Pokok SWDKLLJ", "value": "Rp35.000" }, { "name": "Denda SWDKLLJ", "value": "Rp8.000" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp276.000" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp4.000" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "Rp280.000" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "samsat-kaltara", "sales_price": 280000 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder159", "attributes": { "client_number": "076516952306141111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 1500, "product_code": "samsat-kaltara", "sales_price": 280000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder159", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 4000, "client_name": "TOKOPEDIA USER", "client_number": "076516952306141111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-15T04:33:45Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Status", "value": "Transaksi berhasil" }, { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "076516952306141111" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOKOPEDIA USER" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "KU-3111-HK" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "D1B02N12L2 AT" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "HONDA" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "JM21E2411111" }, { "name": "Nomor Rangka", "value": "MH1JM2129KK431111" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Baru", "value": "30102023" }, { "name": "Pokok PKB", "value": "Rp183.000" }, { "name": "Denda PKB", "value": "Rp50.000" }, { "name": "Pokok SWDKLLJ", "value": "Rp35.000" }, { "name": "Denda SWDKLLJ", "value": "Rp8.000" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp276.000" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp4.000" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "Rp280.000" } ], "partner_fee": 1500, "product_code": "samsat-kaltara", "sales_price": 280000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
Product code example: samsat-kaltim
Note: If there is a penalty fee (denda), it will be accumulated in the sales_price, however the information is not displayed in order details (inquiry_result/fulfillment_result).
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-kaltim", "client_number": "KT7111Z" } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder160", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-kaltim", "client_number": "KT7111Z", "amount": 835000 } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder160
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "KT7111Z", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "base_price": 830000, "client_name": "TOKO***** US**", "client_number": "KT7111Z", "fields": null, "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "KT7111Z" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOKO***** US**" }, { "name": "Alamat", "value": "TOKO***** TOW** 129**" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "KT711**" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "2DP-R A/T" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "YAMAHA" }, { "name": "Tahun Buat Kendaraan", "value": "2019" }, { "name": "Milik Ke", "value": "1" }, { "name": "Masa Pajak", "value": "29/11/2021" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "G3E4E181****" }, { "name": "Nomor Krangka", "value": "MH3SG3190KK******" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp830.000" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp5.000" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "samsat-kaltim", "sales_price": 835000 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder160", "attributes": { "client_number": "KT7111Z", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "samsat-kaltim", "sales_price": 835000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder160", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "client_name": "TOKOPEDIA USER", "client_number": "KT7111Z", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-15T04:38:33Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Status", "value": "Transaksi berhasil" }, { "name": "Nomor Referensi", "value": "20221109077655000000000001122334" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOKOPEDIA USER" }, { "name": "Alamat", "value": "TOKOPEDIA TOWER 12950" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "KT7111Z" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "2DP-R A/T" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "YAMAHA" }, { "name": "Tahun Buat Kendaraan", "value": "2019" }, { "name": "Milik Ke", "value": "1" }, { "name": "Masa Pajak", "value": "29/11/2021" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "G3E4E1811111" }, { "name": "Nomor Krangka", "value": "MH3SG3190KK111111" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp830.000" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp5.000" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp835.000" } ], "partner_fee": 0, "product_code": "samsat-kaltim", "sales_price": 835000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
Product code example: samsat-sumut
Note: If there is a penalty fee (denda), it will be accumulated in the sales_price, however the information is not displayed in order details (inquiry_result/fulfillment_result).
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-sumut", "client_number": "9001010000041111" } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder161", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-sumut", "client_number": "9001010000041111", "amount": 229000 } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder161
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "9001010000041111", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "base_price": 224000, "client_name": "TOKO***** US**", "client_number": "9001010000041111", "fields": null, "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Nama Layanan", "value": "Samsat SUMUT" }, { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "9001010000041111" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOKO***** US**" }, { "name": "NIK", "value": "****************" }, { "name": "Alamat", "value": "TOKO***** TOW**" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "BK8888***" }, { "name": "Warna Plat", "value": "" }, { "name": "Jenis Kendaraan", "value": "D1B02N26L2 A/T" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "HONDA" }, { "name": "Tahun Produksi Kendaraan", "value": "2019" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "JFZ2E172****" }, { "name": "Nomor Rangka", "value": "MH1JFZ218KK******" }, { "name": "Kepemilikan ke", "value": "1" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak", "value": "20241120" }, { "name": "Tagihan Pokok", "value": "Rp224.000" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp5.000" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp229.000" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "samsat-sumut", "sales_price": 229000 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder161", "attributes": { "client_number": "9001010000041111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 900, "product_code": "samsat-sumut", "sales_price": 229000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder161", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "client_name": "TOKOPEDIA USER", "client_number": "9001010000041111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-15T04:44:24Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Status", "value": "Transaksi berhasil" }, { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "9001010000041111" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOKOPEDIA USER" }, { "name": "NIK", "value": "****************" }, { "name": "Warna Plat", "value": "" }, { "name": "Kepemilikan", "value": "1" }, { "name": "Tahun Produksi Kendaraan", "value": "2019" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak", "value": "20241120" }, { "name": "Tagihan Pokok", "value": "Rp224.000" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp5.000" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp229.000" } ], "partner_fee": 900, "product_code": "samsat-sumut", "sales_price": 229000, "serial_number": "", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
Product code example: samsat-sulut
Note: If the billing number has Denda PKB and/or Denda SWDKLLJ, then we will return the fields on the order details (inquiry_result/fulfillment_result), otherwise it won't be returned.
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-sulut", "client_number": "01141111" } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder162", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-sulut", "client_number": "1362800", "amount": 229000 } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder162
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "01141111", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "base_price": 1357800, "client_name": "TOKO***** US**", "client_number": "01141111", "fields": null, "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOKO***** US**" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "DB666***" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "PICK UP" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "DAIHATSU" }, { "name": "Kode Pengesahan", "value": "977777" }, { "name": "Pokok PKB", "value": "Rp1.171.800" }, { "name": "Denda PKB", "value": "Rp8.000" }, { "name": "Pokok SWDKLLJ", "value": "Rp143.000" }, { "name": "Denda SWDKLLJ", "value": "Rp35.000" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp1.357.800" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp5.000" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "Rp1.362.800" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "samsat-sulut", "sales_price": 1362800 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder162", "attributes": { "client_number": "01141111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 1000, "product_code": "samsat-sulut", "sales_price": 1362800, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
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Product code example: samsat-sulsel
Note: If there is a penalty fee (denda), it will be accumulated in the sales_price, however the information is not displayed in order details (inquiry_result/fulfillment_result).
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-sulsel", "client_number": "1429011111111111" } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder163", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-sulsel", "client_number": "1429011111111111", "amount": 2451170 } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder163
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "1429011111111111", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 3000, "base_price": 2448170, "client_name": "TOKO***** US**", "client_number": "1429011111111111", "fields": null, "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOKO***** US**" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "DD444***" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "COROLLA 1600 LIFT BACK AE 92" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "TOYOTA" }, { "name": "Nomor Rangka", "value": "AE92111****" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Lama", "value": "15 November 2022" }, { "name": "Kode Pengesahan", "value": "421559511111" }, { "name": "Pokok PKB", "value": "Rp1.568.250" }, { "name": "Denda PKB", "value": "Rp250.920" }, { "name": "Pokok SWDKLLJ", "value": "Rp429.000" }, { "name": "Denda SWDKLLJ", "value": "Rp200.000" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp2.448.170" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp3.000" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "Rp2.451.170" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "samsat-sulsel", "sales_price": 2451170 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder163", "attributes": { "client_number": "1429011111111111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 1200, "product_code": "samsat-sulsel", "sales_price": 2451170, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder163", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 3000, "client_name": "TOKOPEDIA USER", "client_number": "1429011111111111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2022-12-15T04:55:01Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Status", "value": "Transaksi berhasil" }, { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "1429011111111111" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "TOKOPEDIA USER" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "DD4444KL" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "COROLLA 1600 LIFT BACK AE 92" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "TOYOTA" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "JFL1E1111111" }, { "name": "Nomor Rangka", "value": "AE921111111" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Lama", "value": "15 November 2022" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Baru", "value": "04 November 2023" }, { "name": "Kode Pengesahan", "value": "421559511111" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp2.448.170" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp3.000" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "Rp2.451.170" } ], "partner_fee": 1200, "product_code": "samsat-sulsel", "sales_price": 2451170, "serial_number": "", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
Type: Unified (New Version)
SAMSAT All Province - Unified Response (Except JATIM)
Product code example: samsat-jateng-new
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-jateng-new", "client_number": "0111420211111111" } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testOrder189", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-jateng-new", "client_number": "0111420211111111", "amount": 90500 } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder189
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "0111420202111111", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "base_price": 85500, "client_name": "Toko***** Us**", "client_number": "0111420211111111", "fields": null, "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "0111420211111111" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "Toko***** Us**" }, { "name": "Alamat", "value": "Jl* Pemb***** Lahu**" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "T 9999 KPD" }, { "name": "Jenis Kendaraan", "value": "SPM/SEPEDA MOTOR" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "GSX-R150" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "SUZUKI" }, { "name": "Warna Kendaraan", "value": "HITAM" }, { "name": "Tahun Buat Kendaraan", "value": "2020" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "CHA9IF111111" }, { "name": "Nomor Rangka", "value": "MH8TL23ANTJK11111" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "85500" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "5000" }, { "name": "Pokok PKB", "value": "" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "" }, { "name": "Denda PKB", "value": "" }, { "name": "JR Pokok", "value": "" }, { "name": "JR Denda", "value": "" }, { "name": "NIK", "value": "" }, { "name": "Parkir Berlangganan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Tanggal Masa Laku", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Lama", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Baru", "value": "" }, { "name": "Kode Pengesahan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Pokok SWDKLLJ", "value": "" }, { "name": "Denda SWDKLLJ", "value": "" }, { "name": "Kode Stan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Milik Ke", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Pajak", "value": "" }, { "name": "Nama Layanan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Warna Plat", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak", "value": "" }, { "name": "Tagihan Pokok", "value": "" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "samsat-jateng-new", "sales_price": 90500 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testOrder189", "attributes": { "client_number": "0111420211111111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 1000, "product_code": "samsat-jateng-new", "sales_price": 90500, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testOrder189", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "client_name": "Tokopedia User", "client_number": "0111420211111111", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": null, "fulfilled_at": "2023-03-24T09:00:25Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "0111420211111111" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "Tokopedia User" }, { "name": "Alamat", "value": "Jl. Pembatuan Lahung" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "T 9999 KPD" }, { "name": "Jenis Kendaraan", "value": "SPM/SEPEDA MOTOR" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "GSX-R150" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "SUZUKI" }, { "name": "Warna Kendaraan", "value": "HITAM" }, { "name": "Tahun Buat Kendaraan", "value": "2020" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "CHA9IF111111" }, { "name": "Nomor Rangka", "value": "MH8TL23ANTJK11111" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "85500" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "5000" }, { "name": "Pokok PKB", "value": "" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "90500" }, { "name": "Denda PKB", "value": "" }, { "name": "JR Pokok", "value": "" }, { "name": "JR Denda", "value": "" }, { "name": "Status", "value": "" }, { "name": "NIK", "value": "3301100000000000" }, { "name": "Parkir Berlangganan", "value": "" }, { "name": "NTB", "value": "FM0000161111111" }, { "name": "Tanggal Masa Laku", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Lama", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Baru", "value": "" }, { "name": "Kode Pengesahan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Pokok SWDKLLJ", "value": "" }, { "name": "Denda SWDKLLJ", "value": "" }, { "name": "Milik Ke", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Pajak", "value": "" }, { "name": "Warna Plat", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak", "value": "" }, { "name": "Tagihan Pokok", "value": "" } ], "partner_fee": 1000, "product_code": "samsat-jateng-new", "sales_price": 90500, "serial_number": "FM0000161111111", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
Notes: some of the fields might be empty string due to limitation of data source from suppliers. We recommend you to hide the field shown to end user’s if the value is an empty string to avoid confusion of end users.
Product code example: samsat-jatim-new
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-jatim-new", "client_number": "S2777KT", "fields": [ { "name": "nik", "value": "1234567890" }, { "name": "machine_number", "value": "123456" }, { "name": "phone_number", "value": "081223344" } ] } } }
| Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testOrder191", "attributes": { "product_code": "samsat-jatim-new", "client_number": "S27777KT", "amount": 215500, "fields": [ { "name": "nik", "value": "1234567890" }, { "name": "machine_number", "value": "123456" }, { "name": "phone_number", "value": "081223344" } ] } } }
| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder190
Response payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "id": "S2777KT", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "base_price": 210500, "client_name": "Toko***** Us**", "client_number": "S2777KT", "fields": [ { "name": "nik", "value": "1234567890" }, { "name": "machine_number", "value": "123456" }, { "name": "phone_number", "value": "081223344" } ], "inquiry_result": [ { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "S2777KT" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "Toko***** Us**" }, { "name": "Alamat", "value": "" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "S777***" }, { "name": "Jenis Kendaraan", "value": "SEPEDA MOTOR" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "ACH1M21B04 AT" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "HONDA" }, { "name": "Warna Kendaraan", "value": "HITAM" }, { "name": "Tahun Buat Kendaraan", "value": "2022" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "JFM2E174****" }, { "name": "Nomor Rangka", "value": "" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp210.500" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp5.000" }, { "name": "Pokok PKB", "value": "Rp180.500" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "" }, { "name": "Denda PKB", "value": "" }, { "name": "JR Pokok", "value": "Rp15.000" }, { "name": "JR Denda", "value": "" }, { "name": "NIK", "value": "" }, { "name": "Parkir Berlangganan", "value": "Rp15.000" }, { "name": "Tanggal Masa Laku", "value": "15/12/2023" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Lama", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Baru", "value": "" }, { "name": "Kode Pengesahan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Pokok SWDKLLJ", "value": "" }, { "name": "Denda SWDKLLJ", "value": "" }, { "name": "Kode Stan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Milik Ke", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Pajak", "value": "" }, { "name": "Nama Layanan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Warna Plat", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak", "value": "" }, { "name": "Tagihan Pokok", "value": "" } ], "meter_id": "", "product_code": "samsat-jatim-new", "sales_price": 215500 } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testOrder190", "attributes": { "client_number": "S27777KT", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": [ { "name": "nik", "value": "1234567890" }, { "name": "machine_number", "value": "123456" }, { "name": "phone_number", "value": "081223344" } ], "fulfilled_at": null, "partner_fee": 1000, "product_code": "samsat-jatim-new", "sales_price": 215500, "serial_number": "", "status": "Pending" } } }
| Response payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testOrder190", "attributes": { "admin_fee": 5000, "client_name": "Tokopedia User", "client_number": "S27777KT", "error_code": "", "error_detail": "", "fields": [ { "name": "nik", "value": "1234567890" }, { "name": "machine_number", "value": "123456" }, { "name": "phone_number", "value": "081223344" } ], "fulfilled_at": "2023-03-24T09:09:04Z", "fulfillment_result": [ { "name": "Kode Bayar", "value": "S7777KT" }, { "name": "Atas Nama", "value": "Tokopedia User" }, { "name": "Alamat", "value": "" }, { "name": "Nomor Polisi", "value": "S7777KT" }, { "name": "Jenis Kendaraan", "value": "SEPEDA MOTOR" }, { "name": "Tipe Kendaraan", "value": "ACH1M21B04 AT" }, { "name": "Merek Kendaraan", "value": "HONDA" }, { "name": "Warna Kendaraan", "value": "HITAM" }, { "name": "Tahun Buat Kendaraan", "value": "2022" }, { "name": "Nomor Mesin", "value": "JFM2E1749999" }, { "name": "Nomor Rangka", "value": "" }, { "name": "Tagihan", "value": "Rp210.500" }, { "name": "Biaya Admin", "value": "Rp5.000" }, { "name": "Pokok PKB", "value": "Rp180.500" }, { "name": "Total Bayar", "value": "Rp215.500" }, { "name": "Denda PKB", "value": "" }, { "name": "JR Pokok", "value": "Rp15.000" }, { "name": "JR Denda", "value": "" }, { "name": "Status", "value": "" }, { "name": "NIK", "value": "" }, { "name": "Parkir Berlangganan", "value": "Rp15.000" }, { "name": "NTB", "value": "7437221108401111" }, { "name": "Tanggal Masa Laku", "value": "15/12/2023" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Lama", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak Baru", "value": "" }, { "name": "Kode Pengesahan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Total Tagihan", "value": "" }, { "name": "Pokok SWDKLLJ", "value": "" }, { "name": "Denda SWDKLLJ", "value": "" }, { "name": "Milik Ke", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Pajak", "value": "" }, { "name": "Warna Plat", "value": "" }, { "name": "Masa Berlaku Pajak", "value": "" }, { "name": "Tagihan Pokok", "value": "" } ], "partner_fee": 1000, "product_code": "samsat-jatim-new", "sales_price": 215500, "serial_number": "7437221108401111", "status": "Success", "voucher_code": "" } } }
Notes: some of the fields might be empty string due to limitation of data source from suppliers. We recommend you to hide the field shown to end user’s if the value is an empty string to avoid confusion of end users.
Only in SAMSAT JATIM, end users will get SMS from SAMSAT JATIM after payment is successful.
Reference: https://www.tokopedia.com/pajak/samsat
Help Page reference: https://www.tokopedia.com/help/article/syarat-dan-ketentuan-esamsat
Silahkan download aplikasi E-Samsat Sulsel di smartphone anda.
Pilih area kepemilikan kendaraan bermotor dan isi data: Nomor Polisi, Nomor Rangka, Nomor Ponsel, dan Email.
Dapatkan kode bayar dan masukkan kode bayar pada kolom di atas.
Kode bayar hanya berlaku 1x24 jam pada hari yang sama . Request kembali kode bayar melalui aplikasi E-Samsat Sulsel jika sudah tidak bisa digunakan (expired)
Kode bayar juga bisa diperoleh melalui SMS (Telkomsel dan Indosat) Ketik: ESAMSAT (spasi) NORANGKA (spasi) NIK (spasi) EMAIL kirim ke 99250.
Atau gunakan akun Telegram Bapenda Sulsel. Add bot @BapendaSulselbot dan ikuti petunjuknya.
Pengesahan dan cetak SKPD dapat dilakukan hingga 30 hari sejak pembayaran pajak di Kantor Bersama atau gerai layanan SAMSAT Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.
Dapatkan kode bayar melalui aplikasi E-Samsat Sulut.
Silahkan masukan kode bayar.
Setelah melakukan pembayaran, lakukan pengesahan STNK di SAMSAT terdekat di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara.
Silahkan download aplikasi SAMSAT Mobile SUMUT di smartphone anda.
Pilih "Kode Bayar".
Pilih simbol "+" pada pojok kanan bawah layar.
Masukan nomor polisi, 5 digit terakhir nomor rangka, nomor mesin, serta NIK.
Masukan email dan nomor handphone yang nantinya akan dipakai untuk mengirim kode OTP.
Jika sudah diisi semua, pilih "Submit".
Masukan kode OTP yang dikirim pada email dan/atau SMS.
Akan muncul menu berisikan kode bayar dan rincian tagihan dan objek pajak.
Masukkan kode bayar pada kolom di atas untuk melakukan pembayaran.
Kode bayar akan secara otomatis kaladuarsa pukul 23:00 WIB setiap harinya. Pastikan kode bayar anda aktif sebelum melakukan pembayaran.
Lakukan pembayaran dengan cara pilih Wilayah Samsat Kaltara kemudian input 6 digit Kode Kota/Kab + 12 digit Kode Bayar pada kolom di atas.
Kode Bayar dapat diperoleh melalui SMS dengan cara ketik: ESAMSAT No Polisi, contoh: ESAMSAT KU 1234 AB, kirim ke 0811-538-1234.
Informasi Kode Kota/Kabupaten: 076513 (Tarakan), 076514 (Bulungan), 076516 (Nunukan), 076517 (Malinau).
Kode pembayaran hanya diperoleh melalui aplikasi SAMSAT Banten Hebat (SAMBAT).
Saat ini Tokopedia belum menerima kode bayar dari aplikasi SIGNAL.
Cek kembali laman SAMSAT Tokopedia secara berkala untuk mendapatkan info tentang cara mengunduh aplikasi SAMBAT.
Dapatkan kode bayar di aplikasi SAMBARA.
Kirim SMS dengan format esamsat[spasi]no rangka[spasi]NIK kirim ke 0811-211–9211.
Setelah bertransaksi, buka kembali aplikasi SAMBARA dan klik icon "Bukti Bayar" untuk mengunduh e-SKKP.
Per tanggal 18 Desember 2022, kode bayar juga bisa didapatkan dari aplikasi “Sapawarga”.
Untuk mendapatkan Kode Bayar, silahkan download aplikasi SAKPOLE. Jangan lupa update aplikasi New Sakpole di perangkat anda. Masukkan Data Kepemilikan dan Kendaraan Bermotor (KBM) di New Sakpole: Nomor Polisi, NIK, dan Nomor Rangka (5 digit terakhir).
Pilih Metode Pembayaran Tokopedia.
Bayar Pajak Kendaraan di Tokopedia. Masukkan kode bayar pada kolom di atas.
Kode Bayar hanya berlaku selama 2 (dua) jam sejak diperoleh.
Setelah melakukan pembayaran, masuk lagi ke akun New Sakpole anda untuk mendapatkan E-TBPKP dan E-Pengesahan.
Silahkan masukan Nomor Kendaraan.
Setelah melakukan pembayaran, anda akan mendapatkan SMS dari SAMSAT ke nomor handphone {Company Name} yang terdaftar.
Buka SMS tersebut, lalu klik link pada SMS untuk download E-TBPKP terbaru anda.
Selamat! Anda sudah mendapatkan E-TBPKP yang sah, anda dapat melakukan pengesahan di Kantor Bersama SAMSAT atau layanan unggulan terdekat.
Silahkan masukan Nomor Kendaraan.
Tukarkan bukti pembayaran pada saat pencetakan SKPD dan pengesahan STNK di Kantor Bersama SAMSAT terdekat di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur.
Silahkan masukan Kode Bayar.
Tukarkan bukti pembayaran pada saat pencetakan SKPD dan pengesahan STNK pada layanan Samsat yang tersebar di Kepulauan Riau.
Type: Dynamic (Old Version)
Type DI
Product code example: pdam-dki-palyja
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "pdam-dki-palyja", "client_number": "000811111" } } }
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| Request URL: GET https://{{base_url}}/v2/order/testorder164
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Type MK
Product code example: pdam-jatim-kota-surabaya
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Type FR
Product code example: pdam-sumatera-kota-medan
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "pdam-sumatera-kota-medan", "client_number": "0328111111" } } }
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Type MB
Product code example: pdam-kota-kediri
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "pdam-kota-kediri", "client_number": "51111" } } }
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Type SB
Product code example: pdam-jabar-kota-cirebon
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Type AD
Product code example: pdam-kab-pandeglang
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Type: Unified (New Version)
Type SB
Product code example: pdam-jatim-kota-surabaya-new
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Angsuran Kredit
Angsuran Kredit - With Denda
Product code example: kredit-mtf
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "kredit-mtf", "client_number": "7801166111" } } }
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Angsuran Kredit - Without Denda
Product code example: kredit-mandiri-utama-finance
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "kredit-mandiri-utama-finance", "client_number": "4168413578111" } } }
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Angsuran Kredit - Unified (New Version)
Product code example: kredit-mtf-new
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "kredit-mtf-new", "client_number": "38036241234111" } } }
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Notes: some of the fields might be empty string due to limitation of data source from suppliers. We recommend you to hide the field shown to end user’s if the value is an empty string to avoid confusion.
Biaya Pendidikan
Biaya Pendidikan - Type SV
Product code example: edu-lspr
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "edu-lspr", "client_number": "202102101971111" } } }
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Biaya Pendidikan - Type SP
Product code example: edu-univ-sangga-buana-ypkp
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "edu-univ-sangga-buana-ypkp", "client_number": "2041110907112" } } }
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Biaya Pendidikan - Type BM
Product code example: edu-petra-alpha-school
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "edu-petra-alpha-school", "client_number": "2041110907113" } } }
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Biaya Pendidikan - Type MZ
Product code example: edu-sd-sains-al-biruni
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "edu-sd-sains-al-biruni", "client_number": "8572371351111111" } } }
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Pajak PBB
Pajak PBB - Type: Dynamic (Old Version)
Pajak PBB - Dynamic - Type: DKI
Product code example: pbb-dki-jakarta
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "pbb-dki-jakarta", "client_number": "5645535636111", "fields": [ { "name": "period", "value": "2022" } ] } } }
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Pajak PBB - Dynamic - Type: M
Product code example: pbb-kota-depok
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "pbb-kota-depok", "client_number": "317103000201711111", "fields": [ { "name": "period", "value": "2021" } ] } } }
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Pajak PBB - Dynamic - Type: S
Product code example: pbb-kab-bandung-barat
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Pajak PBB - Dynamic - Type: F
Product code example: pbb-kab-semarang
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Pajak PBB - Dynamic - Type: V
Product code example: pbb-kota-pangkal-pinang
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Pajak PBB - Type: Unified (New Version)
Product code example: pbb-dki-jakarta-new
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Premi Asuransi
Premi Asuransi - Prudential
Product code example: insurance-prudential
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Premi Asuransi - Allianz
Product code example: insurance-allianz-premilanjutan
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Property - Type: PFN
Product code example: bsd-city-ipl+air
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Property - Type: PSB
Product code example: kemang-village-res-ipl-utl
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "attributes": { "product_code": "kemang-village-res-ipl-utl", "client_number": "8884405021111" } } }
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Property - Type: PSP
Product code example: ciputra-world-2-jkt-apt-utl-ipl
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "product_code": "ciputra-world-2-jkt-apt-utl-ipl", "client_number": "8884405021111" } } }
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Product code example: donasi-rumah-zakat-50
Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "order", "id": "testorder183", "attributes": { "product_code": "donasi-rumah-zakat-50", "client_number": "", "amount": 50000 } } }
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Top Up e-Wallet
Top Up e-Wallet - GoPay
Product code example: topup-gopay
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
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Note: Downline ID value is only filled when you resell Gopay to other company, else you don't need to send the value. (Please contact SAT team for more detail regarding Downline ID). Inquiry in Gopay is also optional, you can skip Inquiry and directly proceed to Checkout but please make sure the amount is correct.
Top Up e-Wallet - DANA
Product code example: topup-dana
Inquiry | Checkout | Order Details |
Request payload: { "data": { "type": "inquiry", "attributes": { "client_number": "081711111111", "product_code": "topup-dana", "amount": 15780, "downline_id": "SAT-COMPANYX" } } }
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| Response payload: Response payload:
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Note: Downline ID value is only filled when you resell Gopay to other company, else you don't need to send the value. (Please contact SAT team for more detail regarding Downline ID).